Our Mental Immune System
Our body’s immune system is an amazing thing. I’ve heard that we are exposed to about 60,000 different germs …
Our body’s immune system is an amazing thing. I’ve heard that we are exposed to about 60,000 different germs …
Everything we do and experience leaves an imprint in the mind. What we expose ourselves to shapes the mind and …
There is a teaching in the Buddhist suttas about maintaining equanimity in the face of the eight worldly …
It’s not uncommon for practitioners to express frustration with the ups and downs of their practice. Sometimes …
At the start of this new year, there is a sense of hope, but also a great degree of uncertainty. Life is …
The famous Thai meditation master, and founder of the practice of Mahasati Insight Meditation, Luangpor Teean, …
Buddhist practice is all about understanding suffering, and then based on that understanding, ending it. This …
People frequently report being bothered by something when they try to meditate. It might be a noise or visual …
For meditation practice to be sustainable and fruitful, one must bring the proper degree of effort to one’s …